It’s Time To Squad Up or Shut Up

Remember those days when you were a kid where you were counting the days until that one particular video game hit store shelves? Where you couldn’t wait for the school bells to ring so you could jet over to the game store and cash in all your lunch money for that new shiny game? As we grow older (and admittedly more cynical) those peak moments of anticipation grow fewer and farther between. Well, after playing the game at E3 and wasting way too much time playing the beta this past september, I found that Battlefield 3 was that game that would bring me back to my childhood-like days of impatience.  I raced out to my game store of choice after work and picked it up, gathered some friends around the TV (after eating some delicious steak sandwiches) and fired up the game. Too bad the online servers didn’t work – at all.

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Why Single Player Matters (An FPS Rant)

Quality single player content in first-person shooters is a dying art.

It’s all about the multiplayer experience these days, which I can understand. Thanks to the same amazing internet technology that allows me to stream porn at 60 titties per second, I’m able to trade bullets (and colorful insults) with some 13-year-old in Georgia. However, it seems that developers are placing too much emphasis on this aspect of game playing, and we’re usually stuck with a fucktarded single player campaign attached to an excellent multiplayer game.

Quite frankly, I’m sick of it.

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Is This Homefront Worth Defending?

Homefront Cover THQ

Let me paint a picture for you:

-Dramatic music-

It’s 2027…. The world is changing… A weakened United States, struggling with a crumbling economy compounded by social unrest and crippling fuel shortages… A united and powerful Korea is rapidly consolidating its empire across the Pacific with swift military action…

-Dramatic pause-

And we are next….


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